Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to "Our Molly Girl"
Molly turned 3 years old on February 13th.


Favorite color: "girl color" (pink)
Favorite things to eat: fruit drink & toast, hot chocolate, treats
Favorite Movie: "Tiny" (The Seventh Brother)
Favorite TV show: The Cat In The Hat
Favorite things to do: Be in charge, ride her new bike,
spy on her family, play hide and go seek
Favorite friends: Brooklyn and Alivia

Molly was SO excited for her birthday!

Molly had an early birthday party with her cousins at Aunt Rachel's house.

Breann and Sam talked her into sharing her strawberry milk.
It was gone so fast, I'm surprised I got a picture!

Mom and Dad gave Molly a running bike. (Strider Rider)
She absolutely loves it! She learned how to balance and steer very quickly.

This is an old picture - February 13th.
As of April 1st, Breann can ride her bike without training wheels!
She was sick of hearing Sam tell everyone "Guess what?
Do you know that Breann is the only one in our family that can't ride a bike?"

Our two princesses getting ready for the princess birthday party!

The "Castle Cake" that took me forever to make!

Brooklyn gave Molly her first Barbie!

Molly's good friend Alivia enjoying the cake and
ice cream as Molly is falling asleep!

And she's out! It was a long day. All the excitement wore her out.
It didn't take long to get her 2nd wind!

Class picture day. Where does she learn how to
pose like that? We need to get her into dance or drama!

The glow-worm outfit!
Matt wore this as a baby, made by Aunt Debbie.
All of our kids have worn it.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

These are so cute. We miss you guys!